Maths L3

Transposition of Formula


Drawing Graphs

graph plotter

Click on the image to access the site!

To enter a number squared into the sofware use

e.g. X^2 for X squared!

worksheet graphs

Engineering Units Worksheet

engineering prefixes sheet 2


Indices or Exponential Numbers

Indices and Exponential numbers Worksheet 2


Worksheet on Logarithms


Worksheet on Factorisation

Workbook on Algebra

All about circle calculations



Trigonometry 1 presentation

maths level 3 trig worksheet 1

Trigonometry 2

Assignment No 2 Notes


Law of Cosines used for adding currents with a phaseshift

Law of Cosines adding currents with phaseshift



Waterpipe calcs


cylindercalcs sidewalls

Online Cylinder Calculator


Sine functions


Law of Cosines:

Calculating a non-rectangular triangle
With one angle and two adjacent sides known:
law of cosines calc


Speed – Velocity and Acceleration Presentation

Differentiation and Integration

Presentation on:

Calculus Integration


Sample Calculations:

Calculus Sample Calculations